Recitals 2025 for the Yang Family
Recitals and rehearsals will take place at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center, a state of the art professional 900-seat theater right here in Tribeca. The table below lays out your dancer(s) schedule for the big event! Click here to print your dancer’s schedule.
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Important Recital details
Recital & rehearsal location Both the stage rehearsals and the recitals take place at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center, at 199 Chambers Street, between Greenwich & West Sts.
Rehearsal call time Please arrive 5-10 minutes before the rehearsal time listed above. Rehearsals are NOT dress rehearsals – Please come in your regular class uniform. Please do not worry about any perceived overlap in your dancer’s rehearsal schedule above. There will be time for all dances, even if they appear to be simultaneous.
Recital call time Please arrive 30 mins prior to the recital time listed above, in FULL costume, and hair done according to your costume slip.
Recital tickets Tickets will go on sale in April. The date your tickets go on sale is listed above. We will send purchasing instructions in early April.
Purchase a Shout-Out We are excited to be publishing a fabulous 15-Year Celebration Recital Program detailing the shows and dancers. Click here if you’d like to purchase a shout-out to congratulate your dancer or even your dancer’s class for a job well done! Deadline: April 18th.
Purchase an Ad Our Recital Program also provides opportunity for limited advertising for local businesses. It’s a great way to reach the downtown community. Click here for information and here to buy an ad. Deadline: April 18th.
Digital Downloads All of our recitals will be recorded and all families will have access to digital downloads of their dancer’s show within a month of the recitals.
Have more questions?
Wondering about rehearsals, volunteer opportunities, costumes, tickets or digital recordings? Our Recital FAQs section below has answers to everything you need to know. Or feel free to email or call us at 212.962.1800 during our studio hours!
Looking forward to a fabulous recital season with you!
Recitals - What you need to know
Downtown Dance Factory’s recitals are held at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center, located at 199 Chambers St (between Greenwich & West Sts).
Stage rehearsals are held at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center at 199 Chambers Street (between Greenwich & West Sts). Walk up the ramp at Chambers St. and enter through the main college doors. The theater is to the left, across the breezeway. Dancers should be brought to the entry to the theater, at which point we will direct you as to where to take them to join their class.
All stage rehearsals will take place in the week leading up to the recitals. Exact rehearsal time(s) are published in the spring and are viewable in your family’s recital schedule page. If you have dancers in more than one class, they must rehearse at ALL assigned times. Please note, rehearsal days and times are not necessarily on the same day as your dancer’s regular class.
Stage rehearsals are NOT dress rehearsals. Dancers should wear their regular class uniform. If your dancer is rehearsing more than one dance on the same day, simply choose one uniform and be sure to bring all relevant shoes!
Don’t worry about any perceived overlap in the rehearsal schedule – we have designed the rehearsal schedule to ensure all classes have a chance to dance on stage. The classes alternate, so your dancer will have a chance to rehearse with each of their classes.
Yes, except for Kindi dancers (preschool kids) for whom rehearsal is NOT drop-off. Dancers in KindiBallet, KindiCombo, KindiHop and KindiBreaking must be supervised by their accompanying adult during their rehearsal.
YES! Rehearsal is not optional! Please plan to excuse your child from any other regular commitments that might conflict with their rehearsal time. These are our only rehearsals on stage, and if anyone is absent, it compromises both their individual performance and also that of the entire class.
If your child will be at the theater for an extended period, you’re welcome to send snacks for rehearsal and/or recital. Food is not allowed in the theater, but they can eat in the Lower Lobby (the area adjacent to the theater) and in Theater 2, the holding area during recitals.
Tickets to all shows will go on sale in mid-April. Tickets are sold via the Tribeca Performing Arts Center box office online or by phone. Each of the shows will have its own on-sale date. Visit our Tickets page here.
No, dancers in the recitals will not sit in the theater, and therefore do not need a ticket.
Dancers should be dropped off in Theater 2 of BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center. Please have only one grown-up drop off your dancer. Walk up the ramp at Chambers St. towards the main doors of the college. BEFORE you reach the main doors, you’ll see signs directing you down the stairs to your left. Proceed across the courtyard, through the college doors on the right. Theater 2 is down the hall. Once in Theater 2, we will direct you as to where to check in your dancer. You can then take your seats in Theater 1. Seating will begin 30 minutes before show time. All audience members NOT dropping off dancers should proceed directly to the theater and take their seats.
30 minutes prior to the start of the show. Grown-ups should then promptly take their seats in the theater so the show can start on time.
Shows will have a 10 minute intermission.
We estimate shows will be approximately 2-2.25 hours.
We ask that you kindly refrain from filming during your dancer’s show. We have a professional company that will be recording all shows, and downloads of the show will be provided to you within a few weeks of the recital. Filming during your dancer’s show is distracting to the dancers and can impede your fellow audience-members view of the stage.
We have staff that will take care of helping your dancer with costume changes. We’ll let you know in advance which costume to wear first. Just be sure to arrive at recitals dressed in that first costume, and label the other costume bag(s) with your dancer’s name and dance. Bring all costumes with you to the theater (including shoes!), and drop the costumes off with us when you check in. We will take care of the rest!
No, all dancers will dance in both their class dance as well as in the finale. So please plan to pick up your dancer at the end of the show.
All dancers must be signed out with the DDF supervisor assigned to their group. After the finale, our staff will lead the dancers from the stage back to where you dropped them off. To avoid congestion, please send one adult only to pick up your child (or group of children). This adult can then escort them out to greet their adoring fans!
Yes! We are always looking for parents and/or caregivers to help out at both rehearsals and recitals. If you’d like to volunteer, please submit this form by April 18th.
Feel free to email or call us at 212-962-1800 if you have any additional questions.
Recital Participation Dancers registered in our Winter/Spring semester will perform in Downtown Dance Factory’s annual dance recitals (for TutuTots dancers, participation is optional).
Recital Fees A costume fee per dancer (per class) and a participation fee (per dancer) are charged at the beginning of the Winter/Spring Semester. If for any reason a dancer will not be able to participate in the recitals, we must be notified before their 3rd scheduled class in Winter/Spring Semester, and you will not be charged a costume and participation fee. Recitals take place at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center and are a ticketed event.
Allocations of Classes to Recitals Downtown Dance Factory holds multiple shows within our Recital Event. Families sometimes wonder why their dancers (who either take multiple classes or have siblings who take classes) are not all in the same show. We work tirelessly to create these shows and to meet your needs. We do everything we can to make the shows equal among dance genres, ages, length, etc. With so many factors to consider and so many combinations of dancers who take multiple classes and have siblings who take multiple classes, it’s simply impossible to satisfy this request. That said, we are proud of all our dancers and know that each show will be entertaining and fun for our audiences!
Change or Cancellation Recitals are subject to change at Downtown Dance Factory’s discretion without advance notice.